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The Weekly Wolf Web Site is Back!
The Weekly Wolf is all new and ready for you.
You can always find it here -- click on the icon on the right, or just go your myMCPS dashboard and choose the JPMS Classroom - the one with the picture of the snowy wolf. There you will find the link to the Weekly Wolf. We are just getting started, so check back each week for new content.
Open Library at JPMS
Open Library sessions are an opportunity for students to spend time in the library after school.
Students who choose to attend must be sure to have parental permission.
Open Library sessions end at 4:15 on scheduled days. Students can walk home, be picked up, or ride the activity bus.
At Open Library you can: ​​
Look for books
Play board and card games
Do homework
Do a Makerspace Project
The Dates for Open Library are included in the Media Center Meetings and Events Calendar below.